Charlie 3 & Alpha 4 2015 Trip Blog- Day 1
written by Social Media Coordinator, Ryan Smith
August 6, 2015
It was a long day for all of our Charlie 3 and Alpha 4 program travelers, but all have safely arrived at Hodges Creek Marina. Trevor and Alex, two of the program’s mates, were both extremely excited, waiting for all the arriving students today. After arriving, students were assigned and settled into their boats. Next, they enjoyed a delicious meal of chicken, rice and slaw, gobbling it up from the cockpits of their new homes, among new friends.
Following dinner, students sat attentively as an infamous “Mike Talk” was delivered under the moonlight, outlining policies, standards, and expectations of the program. After taking their last refreshing shore showers for a few days, each boat held their first boat meeting with their new crew. During each boat meeting, crews got acquainted with each other through name games, and also with introductions to different aspects of the program, such as the roles on the duty roster, introduction to navigation, and ship’s logs. After wrapping up the meeting, it wasn’t long before students were fast asleep in anticipation of leaving the docks the follow morning to sail to the open sea!
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