Delta 2 Day 18: Ploughing Fearlessly Over Trough And Crest
written by Delta mate, Luka Walshe
August 2, 2017
Today, the students’ adventures began at midnight with the changeover of shifts for our night sail back to the BVIs. With our heading set for Virgin Gorda, we ploughed fearlessly over trough and crest of 8 ft waves, some breaking at 10 ft, drenching our decks and crew in warm Caribbean waters. A steady breeze blew, 25 kts of warm air luffing our sails keeping us steady at 9.5 kts on our reaching course. As the night progressed, we took turns on the helm, fighting sleep and weatherhelm, our eyes scanning the horizons for lights and land.
As the first light danced upon the clouds, announcing the dawn, we spotted land on the horizon; Virgin Gorda called us home. We arrived at Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbour where we picked up a mooring ball and checked in with Customs.
Once were checked in, we dropped the ball and headed to Scrub Island Resort, where we docked and relaxed out by the pool for a few hours, catching up on sleep from the long journey. Once we were finished on Scrub, we de-docked and headed for Trellis Bay, where we picked up a ball for the night. Exhausted, we fell into bed to get some rest for another exciting day in the BVI.