Foxtrot and Sierra Day 13
Captain of the Day (Geneve): Sara “Simba” Clarfield
Mate: Sara “NHIV” Holmes
Navigator: Riley “Brave” Kirkpatrick
After having a breakfast buffet and using bathrooms on land (which we didn’t have to pump!!), we were the first of our fleet to leave the marina. We traveled for about three hours and SMOKED the other boats.
We blew them out of the water. Lol. Betsy wanted pictures, so we turned around and danced by the catamarans that fell behind us; casually throwing fruit from time to time. Once we were all on the mooring ball, we snorkeled, worked on projects, and went turtling. There were many squids, fish, a stingray, and a few turtles.
There was chicken alfredo for dinner and brownies for dessert. After, we enjoyed an interesting lesson on invertebrates of the sea by Ashley. All in all a great day! J
Curriculum Covered: use of Genoa, tacking, compass use, and motor sailing
Today our crew did a great job of having a good time together.
We need to work on staying awake at our boat meeting.
Quote of the Day: “Make today better than yesterday, as good as you hope tomorrow will be, with the courage, honesty, integrity, and faith as you live the best creed.” – Carl Chiflife. “No more staff staff staff…” – Geneve
Miracle Moment: Kate throwing an orange that into Isandra’s sailbag.