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Health & Safety

Yellow life jackets hanging on the side of a boat.
Yellow life jackets hanging on the side of a boat.

A Proactive Approach

Preparing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment is our highest priority. Whether onboard or ashore, we want everyone to have an extraordinary experience. We take time to plan and train thoroughly and maintain the utmost vigilance to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible. Communication is key to our ongoing success. Daily check-ins occur between leadership and the staff of each boat to stay on top of the health and well-being of all students. At Sail Caribbean, we sail in fleets. This means that we are together as a team with 2-7 boats including one staff boat. The staff boat is where the Program Director, Fleet Captain, Provisions Manager, and Social Media Mate live. It is also where essential medical supplies stay and where staff meetings take place every night.

Camper tying up the boat.

Certified and Trained

Every Sail Caribbean field staff member is certified in Wilderness First Aid and CPR. Additionally, medical officers trained as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) or Wilderness First Responders (WFRs) accompany each program. During our comprehensive 12-day on-site staff training, we review safety procedures specific to our environment and conduct simulated emergency medical drills.

A man and a woman standing next to a white sailboat.

Students and Safety

Students, too, are taught the “Safety First” mindset. From day one, we teach students how to be safe both on land and at sea, as well as how to maintain a clean, healthy environment onboard our boats. Lifejackets are worn at all times under sail as well as during our watersports activities. Our staff checks in regularly with students regarding their health and encourages them to speak up about any issues, no matter how small.

Peace of Mind

If emergency medical attention is required, our high-speed motorboats ensure quick transfer to land, where we have long-term relationships with qualified doctors. We value and trust the local BVI clinics and hospitals that have teamed up with us to provide the best care for our students should the need arise.

  • Peebles Hospital is conveniently located in Road Town and can be reached by fast boat from our BVI fleets. Peebles maintains 24-hour emergency and ambulance services and has laboratory and x-ray facilities. Medical specialists and trained nurses are on duty at all times. Virgin Gorda has an ambulance service staffed by personnel with EMT training.
  • B & F Medical Complex is a complete professional medical center providing service to the BVI community 7 days a week. The complex is staffed with general and specialist doctors providing family and child care. There is also a full-service dental clinic and a well-stocked pharmacy on the premises.
  • We have a close professional relationship with Virgin Islands Search and Rescue (VISAR) and practice our emergency response procedures with them as part of staff training. This all-volunteer organization provides 24-hour coverage every day of the year in cooperation with the Royal British Virgin Island police, fire, and ambulance services.
  • The Sail Caribbean fleet is always in VHF radio contact with one another and maintains daily contact with our base on Tortola via cell phone. We monitor Caribbean weather daily. We have a full hurricane plan that includes swift relocation to an inland shelter. Thankfully, in over 44 years, we have only used it twice.

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