Alpha 2 – Day 1 Meet the staff
The Alpha 2 staff spent the day prepping for the program. The boats are ready to go and they are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the students.
The Program Director of the Alpha program is Emily Sesno. Emily has been working for Sail Caribbean since last summer. She liked it so much that she decided to make Tortola her home and worked for Sail Caribbean divers this past winter. She is assisted on board Charette by Greenbriar Bragg as Fleet Mate and Renee Thibodeaux as Dive Master/Mate. Both Greenbriar and Renne are students at Prescott College in Arizona and have graduated from our Echo College Leadership program.
On board Venture the Captain is Phil Yudin and he is joined by Madeline Minchillo as Provisions Manager/Mate. Phil is a former student on Sail Caribbean’s programs and returned last year as a staff member
Kevin Bonnie is the Captain of Sao Jorge and Megan Lepicello joins him as Mate. Kevin comes all the way from Ireland and Meg is our resident Marine Biologist.