Alpha 2 Day 12
Captain of Venture: Gardner
Mate: Alyssa
Navigator: Kathleen
Port of Departure: Bitter End Yatch Club
Final Destination: Anegada
We all woke up at around 8:00am to the rocking and rolling of the boat. When we went on deck, we found the counselors already sailing. The wind was very strong, so the estimated 4 hour and 30 minute sail only took 2 hours and 30 minutes! When we got into the mooring field, we ate a quick breakfast and got ready to go ashore. Once we got on shore, we loaded up in a taxi bus with the rest of the Alpha Fleet and headed to Loblolly beach on the other side of the island. Once we got there, we started ‘Sail Caribbean Olympics’ between Venture and Sao Jorge. The first event was called ‘Fender Relay Race’ or Dizzy Fender. You have to run in snorkel gear to a fender, spin around 5 times and run back to your team.
The next event was classic tug-of-war with a dock line, boat against boat. Venture obviously dominated. But Sao Jorge sure did put up a good fight-
Our next event was called burry your mate. We sculpted Madeline into a lion and Sao Jorge made Meg an Octopus
After that we competed in synchronized swimming. We made the routine ourselves and even sang!
For our final event, each boat got 2 empty trash bags and whichever boat filled their bags with trash they found on the beach first was the winner! We all joined together to help clean the beach!
Once the olympics were over,we hung out on the beach all together before we ate dinner. We headed back to boats and had a fun boat meeting! We finished the night up with a bacon party!
Today our crew did a great job of winning olympic events
Miracle Moment: Picking up enough trash to fill 4 giant bags!