Bravo 1 & Charlie 1 Trip Blog- Day 15

Bravo 1 & Charlie 1 2015 – Day 15
written by Photography mate, Erin Wildermuth, Brought to you by the crew of Fermi
Our morning sail was an intense upwind tack-athon. We didn’t count all the tacks, but the narrow pathway leading between Little Harbor and Key Point on Peter Island required constant maneuverability. The challenging sail was magnified by the fact that today was race day, with each boat competing against the others on who could out-tack, out-pace and out-sail the others. Everyone got involved in the tacks but Nic, Charlie, James and Avery were especially keen. Jade excelled as the day’s skipper with Isabelle tapping in periodically as the sail was long and the helm a particularly active and physically exhausting position.
The race was close, with boats arriving and anchoring within minutes of each other. The early afternoon was filled with calm appreciation and playful splashing. Adrianna and Jules spent their time roping fenders together in design of makeshift chair rafts, which they then tied to the stern, enjoying their home-made sunbathing devices. They even designed them with larger fenders strategically placed as pillows!
The Sail Caribbean Divers team arrived around 1:30p.m. to whisk off our divers for the afternoon. Parker returned home with his Advanced Open Water Certification. Burritos were messy, but wonderful. Each boat completed a thorough cockpit wash down immediately after. The evening ended with good news: we had submitted photos to a photo competition with the Sierra and Foxtrot fleet and Adam’s photo won it for us! Tomorrow, at Nanny, we will enjoy an ice cream social as our prize.
On Galilee, Max thrived at the helm for the first half of race day. Don was at various positions for tacks during the day, especially controlling the jib sheet. Gardner was at the helm for the majority of the second half of the race, helping the crew finish second overall. Freddy’s favorite part of his day was tubing at Key point. On the diving front, Matt enjoyed learning how to do a U-surf pattern while diving, while Bruno saw a water snake during the dive at the Indians. Sophie and Drew learned how to surface and aid an unresponsive diver at the surface during their Rescue Diver course. Ryan completed navigation for his Advanced Open Water, while Alec did a deep dive, getting to 66 ft., the deepest he’s ever gone!
Congratulations Adam! Look forward to Adam’s winning photo posted on Sail Caribbean’s Instagram and Facebook pages later on today!
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