Delta 1 Day 16: Perfectly Executed Dockings In Port Zante
written by Delta mate, Liz Jones
July 9, 2017
This morning, our ships left the port of Gustavia with the full moon still high in the sky and our crews still sleeping soundly below decks. As staff began the long sail to St. Christopher, or St. Kitts, students caught up on sleep and began to wake after the sun had risen above the volcanic islands. Crews continued to practice upwind sailing skills while underway and ate a delicious breakfast of cinnamon rolls in the cockpit.
As the silhouette of St. Kitts came into view, staff and students alike began to get excited to explore yet another amazing island. After perfectly executed dockings by both Delta boats in Port Zante, the crews of Attila and Rioja cowed down on pizza bagels and sandwiches for lunch. All fueled up for the day’s adventures, everyone climbed into a couple of vans for an awesome tour of the island!
First, we headed to St. Kitts’ famous fort, the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park. Here, we marveled at the stunning views of the island and sea and enjoyed exploring the unique architecture of this world heritage site, all narrated by a history of the area from our guides. From the fort, we headed to an estate where Delta students had the chance to hike through the rain forest, snacking on fresh mangos and even getting to swing on the vines that hung from the towering trees!
After our jungle jaunt, we piled back into the vans to head back to our vessels. Starving from the long and exciting afternoon, the crews of Rioja and Attila joined forces to make some fantastic chilli for the whole Delta fleet. Once dinner clean was completed, we finished our night with boat meetings before powering down for another restful night of sleep in preparation for the day ahead.