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Follow Our Journey: Bravo 2, Charlie 2, Foxtrot 2 & Sierra 2 – Day 15

By wpdev August 1, 2023

Written by Callie W., mate

Today we had a later wake up around 7:30; we got up and made breakfast. Around 8:30, the divers got picked up to head out for the day, they got to do 3 dives today! One of the being a deep diving going to 95 feet! Those getting ASA certifications went out on the Colgates, sailing from Little Harbor to Trellis.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew got the boat ready to up anchor and go for a longer sail today. We practiced upwind sailing, tacking, and sail trim. Once we got to Marina Cay, it was time for lunch and a deep boat clean!



We made sure our boat was in peak condition for the cleaning inspections happening later on the docks. We then continued our way to Scrub Island to dock there for the night.


We got to hang out at the Scrub Island Resort, which has two pools, a grocery store, a pizzeria and deli, gift shops, and, most importantly, a water trampoline. After bouncing around for a while, we headed back to our boats to get ready for land showers.




We had to shower quickly as we were eager to call our parents! We got 30 minutes to speak to them and play on our phones. After, we cooked and ate dinner. We all gathered on C dock for a “Night Adaptation” lesson led by Natalie, marine biology coordinator, and Margo, marine biology mate. We learned about bioluminescence and nocturnal aquatic species! Off the dock, we saw lots of jellyfish, tarpon, and a lemon shark! Later we settled down with a boat meeting and had a quiet night after a long and exciting day.


The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.