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Bravo 1, Charlie 1, Delta 1, Foxtrot 1, and Sierra 1, Day 18: Trellis/Little Harbour

By wpdev July 17, 2021

Day 18

6:45 was the sound of the alarm as some of our students woke up to a boat swap as those who went diving in the afternoon yesterday needed to be tested first thing this morning for their departures. 

With some crew members swapped for the morning, Four boats left Little Harbour early and headed back to Village Cay and enjoyed breakfast tomorrow. Those remaining in the bay headed back to bed for a few more hours of rest before arising in the delicate harbor. Calm waters in the bay called for some morning water-sporting, snorkeling, and float relaxation time. 

Lunch was had and shortly after, it was time for those left in the harbor drop their med-anchors, up-anchor and head onto their next location. As one vessel was up-anchoring, they were lucky enough to clearly see a nurse shark swim past their boat in the clear shallow waters!

Likewise, on the docks at Village Cay, crews had finished their testing and lunch and said goodbye to their afternoon divers before de-docking their boats to set sail for the day. 

Our afternoon looked slightly different as our Mega fleet split into two. Our Charlie and Bravo boats (Summer, Haxter Baxter, Judge’s Chambers, and Tramontane) went for a longer sail and picked up a mooring ball at Trellis Bay for the evening. 

After arriving at Trellis, there was enough daylight left for a quick swim/snorkel before showers, and a special dinner took place. Students had the opportunity to order from Marché’s, a sushi restaurant located on the shore of Trellis Bay.  Our Program Director had delivered every order and students enjoyed their dinners onboard.. with no need to clean any dinner dishes!

Those on the Foxtrot and Sierra (Lili, Hulk, and King Lewis), plus Delta (Sara and Galdore) programs went for a shorter sail before anchoring at Long Bay. Once at Long Bay, students were shuttled ashore to enjoy the beach, use the Hobie Bravos, and students who are testing for their ASA certifications had their practical exams in the colgate 26s. To top off the evening, our Ops team grilled up some delicious BBQ for dinner. Burgers, hot dogs, watermelon, Oreos and chips filled our campers stomachs before they headed back to boats for showers and lights out. 




The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.