Delta 1 2018 Adventures Day 4 – Practicing Downwind Sailing En Route To Great Harbour
written by Provisions Manager, Lindsay Walsh
June 26, 2018
Our crew began the day with a relaxed morning at Cooper Island, and our Open Water divers headed to shore to continue their training. The non-divers of the crew of Grenade got ready to drop the mooring ball and head out into the channel and circumnavigate Cooper Island! The non-diving crew of Fidji got to relax and have fun water sporting and hanging out on the beach for the morning. The crew of Grenade eventually lowered their sails for the final time and headed into our base of Hodges Creek Marina. When docking, Grenade fit like a glove between finger piers.
Once all lines were fast the crew of Grenade became the crew of Zibal! Zibal is a beautiful 45 ft Sun Odyssey, and the vessel we would be making the overnight voyage on and also continuing on with the program aboard. The crew did a great job of transferring onto their new home and striking all lines to continue their Sail Caribbean adventure.
Our Open Water divers returned to their home on Fidji to enjoy a lunch of buffalo chicken mac n cheese. With full bellies, Open Water divers got ready to go back to the dive boat and head out to Chromis Reef. As Fidji was getting ready to drop the ball, the crew of Zibal gave themselves the challenge of circumnavigating Peter Island before heading into Great Harbour for the evening. Both boats got to practice downwind sailing and learned about and put to practive gybing maneuvers.
Our crew met up when all lines were made fast on mooring balls at Great Harbour. Our Open Water divers returned and everyone joined together for a meal of Sloppy Joe’s. Both crews spent the night on board and prepared for their sail to Salt Island tomorrow!